I had the first shrewbury biscuits when I was in Mumbai, a fren of mine had gone to Pune for some work and she got these biscuits, the first one just melted in my mouth and then I had the 2nd and then the 3rd.....I liked it so much that when I visited Pune I bought 2 kgs of shrewbury biscuits and gave it all my colleagues . I think who ever created the shrewbury biscuit was a genius.....just like tandoori chicken I think shrewbury biscuits another humans best invention.
Yesterday I stopped at one shopt o buy something and there I saw a very similier biscuit, when I was a kid in Imphal we used to get this biscuit which was known as "Paisa taara biscuit" the reason was for one buck we used to get 10 biscuit and we all loved it esp. with black tea. I bought the biscuit thinking it looked like the paisa taara biscuit but bingo...the biscuit tasted so much like shrewbury biscuit....I was more than happy this morning. All said and done...in Agartala its jungle mei mangal hai..lol