Friday, July 2, 2010

Lafuu Tharoo Eromba

Lafuu Tharoo (Banana Flower)is one of my all time fav. veggie. I like Lafuu Tharoo Paknam (Meitei Version of Pancake), Lafuu Tharoo Eromba and best of all is the lafuu tharoo bora (Pakora).Thankfully it's available through out the year here in Agartala and I normally make Eromba as its more convinent and easier. The recipe is simple:

- Make round slices of Lafuu Tharoo and pressure cook it with potato's and dried red chillies.
- Prepare a paste of steamed/Roasted Ngari, Chillies, salt and fried fish.
- Mash the boiled ingredients and mix it with the paste. Add water if required.

Lafuu Tharoo eromba is supposed to have medicinal qualities, it helps our internal system get quickly adapted to change of climate while travelling from one place to another. My mom always prepare this eromba when we go home for holiday and for some reason I can never make eromba as good as my mom's.


Karma Choden said...

I miss ur cooking...and we did a lot of hogging, didn't we?? lol

travel food and living said...

yes Karma and we can do all the cooking n hogging wen I visit u this Oct :)

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