Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Flowers or veggies???

2nd bunch of tulips
After buying the 1st bunch of tulips few days back I ended up buying another one I've been trying to live in a students budget (which is not easy for me) buying flowers over veggies does effect my budget so  I've been trying to convince myself NOT to buy cut flowers every week. But..... the Tulips are really pretty, lasts for about a week, really brightens my room and fits in my budget perfectly (just 2 euros)....there I go...trapped in the flower vs veggies the end flowers wins and I am planning to buy all the possible colors of tulip while I am here in Netherlands.  Once I am back home in India next year  I know I will never buy tulips coz it will be unaffordable and also it'll not be available at the local florist...last time I bought  deep orange color and this time I bought the lovey time maybe I'll buy the Pink tulips. 

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