Monday, August 4, 2008

August mei kya hoga..

The first blog of the month...and this month I'll try and make my blog as interesting as possible...alot is expected to happen this month and lets hope I am able to take out time from all the work and keep blogging...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My workstation

My workstation....m serious
A Typical Reang House @ Damcheera. North TripuraPosted by Picasa

One of my Kalakari pics.

Like food and travelling I enjoy some bit of photography.....not that I've a great camera but just a simple Sony digicam....but I do manage to take some interesting pics. like the one above. This pic. was taken at Kalapania Eco-park...a very beautiful and well managed Sabroom, South Tripura.
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Foie gras

In my quest to learn some new way of cooking and some new easy to cook and good to taste recipe's I came across this really "amazing" is the word I called Foie Gras (pronounced /fwaːˈgraː/ in English; French for "fat liver")....thanx to the Anthony Bourdain show..the holiday special show...I like chicken liver and that's the only liver I've tasted....when I was in Ahmedabad...this colleague of mine used to cook this really simple chicken liver with tomato sauce and potato's...that was one dish I still love...and then I saw the Foei gras...easy to cook and m sure great to liver dish...I checked wikipedia and read up on foei gras...thoda sa controversial item hai because of the way the livers are fattened by force feeding...but then every non-veg dish is debatable....but like all non-vegetarians who cares...abt the controversies...we all enjoy the good food and the yummy liver...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Some new food

Thanks to the tv tuner card....I am finally getting to watch alot of my fav. shows esp. Anthony Bourdain show, Planet food and other programmes, I was watching this special programme on southern Spanish food (Planet Food)and saw the generous use of olive oil, olive orchard and few interesting food items like this thing called "Paella" which is like the Indian Biryani(something I cook quite well), the Spanish omelet and another dish vegetable stew like thing, the look of all the food was so beautiful that I couldn't stop admiring and geting "J". The spanish food is amazing....I personally would love to learn how to cook spanish food and feel more happier abt learning a new style of cooking....some bit of google searching in required matsss...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Poha for breakfast...

Thats my breakfast I had ...poha and coffee. I am quite amazed at myself, their was a time when I  used to dislike poha....the reason was I had Poha only at TISS, DH and the DH cooks didn't make it so well. I had some Cheng-pak (Poha) I got from my last trip to Imphal and decided to make Poha for breakfast..and asusual I added my own twist it it...I made poha with peanuts, potato, curry leaves (from my small kitchen garden) and red chillies.. Its a good way to start my day with and I am planning to learn some more quick and healthy breakfast recipes...things which I will like and enjoy eating...

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